Sensitivity of the mean concentration to the wind direction and to the friction velocity.

EnKF workshop 2024: Reduced-cost EnKF for parameter estimation of microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion models

In this presentation, we implement and validate a reduced-cost EnKF that estimate meteorological forcing parameters, such as wind direction, for large-eddy simulations of microscale pollutant dispersion.

June 2024 · Eliott Lumet, Mélanie C. Rochoux, Thomas Jaravel, Simon Lacroix
Large-scale eddy simulation of atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion in a simplified urban canopy.

EGU2024: Surrogate-based data assimilation for microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion

Poster presentation of a data assimilation workflow for microscale pollutant dispersion. The use of a surrogate model enables real-time data assimilation and large ensemble size while also providing an estimation of the uncertainties involved.

April 2024 · Eliott Lumet, Mélanie C. Rochoux, Thomas Jaravel, Simon Lacroix
Large-scale eddy simulation of atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion in a simplified urban canopy.

[PhD Thesis] Assessing and reducing uncertainty in large-eddy simulation for microscale atmospheric dispersion

Poster presentation of a data assimilation workflow for microscale pollutant dispersion. The use of a surrogate model enables real-time data assimilation and large ensemble size while also providing an estimation of the uncertainties involved.

February 2024 · Eliott Lumet